Friday, March 10, 2017

Blog#1 Black Green Swan Chapter 2 " Hangman" Feeling and Thought     

       After reading Chapter 2, memories of a time when I felt self-conscious created a sadness and empathy for Jason. His desperation is an example of any teen who wants to be accepted by his peers and will do what he can to “fit in.” For a growing adolescent, having Jason’s problems with his voice and manner of speech would be a source of stress, made worse by a parent’s criticism.  When stressed, even teens with normal speech patterns will occasionally stammer, or go “umm,” so imagine how difficult it was for Jason!  However, I admire him for pre-planning what he would say and spare himself from ridicule.

1 comment:

  1. So, image what Jason is going through and what he tries to do just to be liked!
