Friday, March 10, 2017

 Blog#2 Black Swan Green Chapter 2 "Hangman" Central Idea

       In Chapter 2, Jason is very self-conscious. He is desperate not be different, and in his desire to fit in, he is unable to see how wrong his classmates' actions are, and gives them “immunity” for their wrong-doings.  He has another cause for more embarrassment. His voice is changing, and he occasionally squeaks.  He also has a stammer which prevents him from expressing what he actually wants to say. In order to prevent any situation in which he could be made fun of, he plans in advance what he is going to say.  He feels that if he were to stammer in front of his classmates, his secret will be revealed, and “by the end of first break my life won’t be worth living.”  This shows that he lives in constant fear of ridicule from his classmates, and even from his father who expresses his annoyance whenever Jason stammers.  Jason beings to think ahead about what he wants to say.  Although his vocabulary is vast, he avoids using it because “kids aren’t s’posed to use adult words.” Jason lives his life in fear and desperation for acceptance from his classmates.

1 comment:

  1. you brought up some good points, like him having to think ahead, but that isn't much help due to possibly getting teased for using sophisticated words that kids his age normally don't know.
